Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Be success with your learning style

“Four decades of psychological research have shown us that each person has a different way of learning, known as his or her personal learning style. This may come as a surprise because many of us have been taught that there is only one right way to learn and think. However, research on the brain and learning has proven that. While many educators believe that teachers teach the way they were taught, some refute that claim, offering instead that teachers teach the way they learn (Dunn & Dunn, 1979; Gregory, 1979).” Students learn in many ways, like seeing, hearing, and experiencing thing first. Each of us has a unique character and individual skill that can help him or her understands the new information and experiences. We us all of our sense to learn, but most of us are strongest in one area. Generally, that there are three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

Visual learning is a style that can learn best when subjects are presented in a visual format such as pictures, diagrams, videos, graphic, or written language. He or she gets benefit from recopying or making their own notes. To understand the topic, sometimes he or she needs to read the information and translates it in own notes to make mind mapping, graphic, or a symbol. She or he can concentrate better when her or his eyes are clear line. If he or she thinking something, usually her or his eyes look at on the top. Visual learners also have a major soft skill that can persuade people because of his or her sentences. But, her or his concentrates can disturb by crowding people. So, sometimes he or she studies in the silent room.

Auditory learning is a style that absorbs information best through the sense of hearing. He or she can learn best by listening or discussing with your friends or the lecturer. In class, auditory learners usually listen the lecturer carefully and do not make any notes. He or she enjoy with the discussions or debates because he or she is being talkative in class. Auditory learners trying to memorize something with say it loudly. If he or she thinking something, usually her or his eyes look at on straight ahead her or his eyes. He or she cannot concentration to study if there is a sound or noises. 

The last style of learning is kinesthetic or psychology known as tactile. He or she can learn best when they touch or practice. Kinesthetic learners have a hard time sitting still for long periods of time and can be easily distracted by activity and commotion. Because of that, sometimes people said that kinesthetic learner is a troublemaker. Moreover, kinesthetic learner is the best for mechanical because tag line for this learning style is trial and error. He or she like to try, build a model, or touch the material when learning something new. If he or she thinking something, usually her or his eyes look at down.
Then, there are three main learning styles that can improve with your skill and ability. It is important to know your own learning style to success for study. Someone who finds his or her learning styles sometimes has a good result and gets something that she or he wants. Sometimes, we cannot do something maximally because we do not know what our learning style. You may go to consultant or psychology to gets your major learning style. But, actually we can find our major learning styles based on characteristics that sound familiar with our characteristics.  So, do not give up finding your learning styles!


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